Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tag: GDP Gross Domestic Product

Investment News presented by World Renowned Economist, Money Manager & Finance Expert > Dr. Stephen Leeb Ph.D. > Founder of Leeb Capital Management Leeb.net

Investment Portfolio Diversification: Gold Is A Vital Asset

When you look at gold and fluctuating spot prices, you have to be invested for the long term.

This World Desperately Needs To Transition To Renewable Energy

Will the planet have the commodities required to make solar and hydrogen primary, sustainable energy sources?

The Real Threat This World Is Facing… Commodity Scarcities

Will the planet have the commodities required to create globally sustainable, renewable energy sources?

Gold, War And The All-Important Crossroads For The U.S.

Gold, War And A Doomsday Clock Ticking August 11, 2022 (King World News) – Dr. Stephen Leeb: Russians Continue To Roll, Will Take Odessa Soon As for...

Putin Has The Russian Economy Booming – The West Is In...

If the economy starts slowing while inflation is high, the Fed will have to resume quantitative easing...

The Next Financial Crisis: Will History Repeat Itself?

We Are Living In The Most Dangerous Times This World Has Ever Faced...

Don’t Trust The Banks, Buy Gold

On the heels of the Ukraine War starting last week, one of the top money managers in the world says investors should own all the gold they can...

Gold Digital Currency Launching @ 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics

Within a decade- the world’s financial infrastructure will be vastly different from today...

Investing In Bitcoin Is A Horrible Idea…

Bitcoin has been declared dead more than 400 times by pundits and critics. And yet, it’s so NOT dead.

Expect A Massive, Historic Bull Market In Gold

Dr. Stephen Leeb warned King World News that investors should expect more chaos in global markets...

The Greatest Global Crisis And Why Gold Plays A Vital Role

It’s critical for the world to grasp the true nature and magnitude of the challenges we face. I’m doing my best to sound the alarm in these interviews and in my latest book China’s Rise and the New Age of Gold.

China Plans To Launch eYuan Digital Currency Backed By Gold

While the U.S. Dollar staggers to remain the world's reserve currency... China waits in the weeds to launch their 'golden' eYuan digital currency.

INTEL for Investors

Notable Predictions On Economics, Finance and Investing

Stephen Leeb is a prolific author, investment adviser, and money manager who has been analyzing financial markets for more than 40 years.
How Investors Can Profit During Turbulent Times

How Investors Can Profit During Turbulent Times

Understand how U.S. monetary policy works… and how you can profit amidst a rapidly changing financial world.
Investors Beware! We Are Headed For A Sharp Decline In the Stock Market

Extreme Stock Market Signals

Recently, I warned investors the stock market had become extreme – in many cases – more extreme than ever before.

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