New York Times Best Seller!
In this incredibly timely book, renowned economist Dr. Stephen Leeb shows how surging oil prices will contribute to a huge economic collapse by soaring to over $100, and perhaps $200, a barrel- and tells how to avoid the pitfalls of the upcoming crisis. When Dr. Stephen Leeb speaks, smart investors take heed.
In The Coming Economic Collapse, Dr. Leeb shows that the U.S. economy is on the brink of the biggest crisis in history. As the fast-growing economies of China and India push global demand for oil beyond production capacity, Americans will experience a permanent energy shortfall far worse than the one in the 1970s. The result will be severe financial hardship for most people and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for investors to become incredibly rich.
Stephen Leeb is a prolific author, investment adviser, and money manager who has been analyzing financial markets for more than 40 years. Known for his prescience in connecting the dots among hidden or overlooked trends-macroeconomic, scientific, and geopolitical. Accurately describing the investment implications, often going against conventional wisdom. Author of nine books on investing and geopolitical trends including his most recent book, China’s Rise and the New Age of Gold: How Investors Can Profit from a Changing World (2020, McGraw-Hill Education). Senior Editor of the award-winning investment newsletters The Complete Investor and Real World Investing, published by Investing Daily. Stephen is the Founder and Research Chairman of Leeb Capital Management- a wealth management firm based in Manhattan, New York.