The Ukrainian Triumph In Kharkiv
Before we dive into the brass tacks of the Greece / Türkiye political scene, let’s start with a tantamount development that happened on the same parallel. The recent “rout” of the Russians in the Kharkiv has made sensational headlines across the West. The affiliated press has presented this event as a major ‘change of the tide’ in favor of Ukraine. This could not be farther from the truth. Western media conveniently fails to mention that the reclamation of approximately 6,000 square miles of the Kharkiv region demanded a multitude of military equipment and force to take. Despite the Ukrainian success in this region, it left southern Ukraine vastly exposed and highly susceptible to Russian retaliation.
However, this Ukrainian triumph is nothing less than ubiquitous. Virtually no Russian troops were defending the newly conquered regions, which was taken by Russia in the early stages of the Ukraine conflict. Do they really expect us to believe that Russia, which has been so savvy for the past six months with its military operations, suddenly and collectively became completely oblivious to activities in northern Ukraine?
Some have argued that Putin and his military chief were away in the East watching massive Russian military exercises with some of its allies, such as China. They had taken their eye off the ball. This is nonsensical at best!
Still, you have to wonder how the Ukrainians were so swift in success to gather this much territory in merely three days. In other words, why did Russia allow a severe media defeat and potential psychological blow, which could easily have been avoided without sacrificing its continued success in the South.
In addition, there’s been no mention of the utter failure of Ukraine’s primary counter-offensive objective, which was Kherson, a critical link to Odessa. Kherson along with Odessa are critical, whose capture will rob Ukraine of access to the Black Sea and leave the country landlocked.
NATO Under Siege
With admitted speculation, there’s a prime directive at play here that could explain Russia’s distraction away from Kharkiv. During the same timeframe, another major dispute has arisen, potentially as important or even more so than the Ukraine / Russian conflict. Oddly, it has flown under the radar without the major media coverage it deserves.
Türkiye, which undoubtedly has the largest army in NATO on European territory, seriously threatened Greece with war over the Aegean Islands.
Since when are NATO allies going to war against each other?
Isn’t that the paramount objective of an alliance? Allies come to one another’s aid, not the opposite. This a massive shake down that could bring the very foundation of NATO to it’s knees. When I mentioned a prime directive, this is exactly the type of roulette that Russia is playing with the West. Why attack NATO when Putin can simply set the stage for it’s self-destruction?

Turkish Greek Conflict Heats Up
Türkiye has proclaimed that war could come very quickly, even in the middle of the night without warning. Should Türkiye and Greece come to blows it would be a ‘David and Goliath’ situation, involving two current NATO members. A conflict such as this could send reverberations throughout NATO, leaving the alliance in a highly precarious position.
Moreover, with Greece unable to defend its west coast, Europe and NATO (in addition to Ukraine) would lose access to the Black Sea, which is critical in relation to African imports and other parts of Pacific.
My intention is not to create alarmism in regard to a potential Greece / Türkiye conflict, simply to raise awareness. However, there are a few striking synchronicities that deserve to be brought out into the light. Russia and Türkiye recently signed a $100 billion annual trade agreement, which ensures that Russian goods will be exchanged in sovereign (non-dollar) currencies. This new development has covertly materialized without much media attention, virtually swept under the rug by Ukrainian War headlines.
A noteworthy caveat: The United States did sanction Türkiye in regard to this newly formed trade agreement with Russia. Although, it’s no surprise they have failed to follow through thus far and best of luck if they have any intentions of doing so.
Another shocking development is that Türkiye has agreed to meet with once bitter enemy; Assad. This would be a major slap in the face to America- who continues to oppose Assad with troops in Syria, supposedly on Türkiye’s behalf as they are controlling the Kurds.
Speculation and predictions aside, events such as this are often far more relevant than headlines promoting fugazi propaganda. In the event the Türkiye / Greece conflict cools off, it still makes you question the strength of NATO member alliances. It appears the West is walking into some very unfamiliar territory which may or may not uphold if NATO’s feet are held to the fire.
And you almost have to wonder, taking all the aforementioned into consideration, is there another force at play here? The Chinese have been laying low, almost too low. Their military did participate alongside Russia during joint military exercises this month. China has also publicly stated that they will not allow Russia to run out of ammunition. Furthermore, the BRICS alliance consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – five major emerging economies with over three billion people, accounting for over 40% of the world’s population and 1/4 of the global GDP. It’s my belief that China has been the puppeteer in this whole geopolitical game. Putin’s been making moves, doing their dirty work in exchange for strategic trade and military alliances. Would it shock you to think China’s been pulling the strings? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below…